
30 days to a new body, mind and life!



Move: Challenge yourself for the next 30 days to bring movement into your life. Commit to 30 mins a day to begin to lose weight, gain better mobility and increase strength!

Live: Watch your body change, have more energy and live the life you crave by following this daily program.

Believe: With each day gain the self confidence that you CAN have the life, body and mind that you want. Be a true believer in your own self motivation to change your lifestyle to lead a happy healthy life.


Live your fit life!

Online Program details:

  • Commit to 5 days a week of exercise for 30 minutes

  • Exercise in your home or at a gym. Only equipment you need are dumbbells between 5-10 lbs, a mat and an interval timer!

  • Receive seven different workouts with a detailed outline of your weekly exercise program.

  • Each workout comes with detailed descriptions and videos of each exercises.

  • Nutritional information to help you build lean muscle, lose weight and feel great.

  • Access to online forum for weekly motivation and support


Cost: $25

Answers to Frequently Asked Question

Add On’s:

  1. 1:1 in Person Training

  2. Shred10® Healthy Living Nutrition package

  3. Weekly 15 minute personal telephone conversation with your Erica

  4. Your Dinner is Planned” membership


Start Today!