30 days to a new body, mind and life!
Move: Challenge yourself for the next 30 days to bring movement into your life. Commit to 30 mins a day to begin to lose weight, gain better mobility and increase strength!
Live: Watch your body change, have more energy and live the life you crave by following this daily program.
Believe: With each day gain the self confidence that you CAN have the life, body and mind that you want. Be a true believer in your own self motivation to change your lifestyle to lead a happy healthy life.
Live your fit life!
Online Program details:
Commit to 5 days a week of exercise for 30 minutes
Exercise in your home or at a gym. Only equipment you need are dumbbells between 5-10 lbs, a mat and an interval timer!
Receive seven different workouts with a detailed outline of your weekly exercise program.
Each workout comes with detailed descriptions and videos of each exercises.
Nutritional information to help you build lean muscle, lose weight and feel great.
Access to online forum for weekly motivation and support
Cost: $25
Answers to Frequently Asked Question
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