Client Spotlight: Finding Your Body After a Baby!
I am extremely happy for my client, Elle. She is a mom of three amazing kids, the youngest being just 20 months old! Working full-time and raising three kids all while only getting a few hours of sleep because of a baby who doesn’t want to sleep can elevate stress levels beyond belief! Elle committed herself to training twice a week, but try as she might her body just wasn’t letting go of the baby weight. We often talked about how challenging it can be to lose weight while breastfeeding and not getting enough sleep. A few month after her baby weaned and he was finally sleeping through the night, she decided it was time to work on her goal of losing 20 pounds.
Elle cleaned up her diet, watched portions and began to increase her weights during our workouts. Without feeling like she was dieting she began to lose pound after pound. Making it a goal to eat food in it’s most natural state, but allowing herself some freedom occasionally she finally after only 2.5 months reached her goal - 22 pounds down!! Just in time for a beach vacation. Now it’s time to continue to build lean muscle and stay healthy and fit!