Eric, who has been athletic all his life beginning with football in his youth to cycling, skiing and regular gym workouts, came to me with a goal to increase muscle tone/ strength, core strength and reduce shoulder pain. After just a few weeks of training he reported that his nagging shoulder pain was due to bilateral rotator cuff tears! Adding that injury to a previous left hip injury of a combined trochanter bursitis and IT Band syndrome plus a right lower leg/ankle that was a comminuted fracture of the fibula with a syndesmosis tear and deltoid ligament tear and removal made designing a program challenging, but we kept him training by incorporating shoulder stability and strengthening exercises into his workouts. Eric has seen an almost full recovery from his shoulder injuries in addition to gaining better lower body strength and stability!
Client Spotlight: Finding Your Body After a Baby!
Elle cleaned up her diet, watched portions and began to increase her weights during our workouts. Without feeling like she was dieting she began to lose pound after pound. Making it a goal to eat food in it’s most natural state, but allowing herself some freedom occasionally she finally reached her goal!!
Client Spotlight: Athletic Training for a Lifetime of Sport
Roy is a life-long competitive tennis player, but he felt like he needed to enhance his game. We have focused on improving his athletic performance since he can practice his tennis skills on the court. Working on the foundation of movement like anti-rotation, stability and mobility. As he progresses through these exercises he should expect to see an increase in strength, power and speed of his game! He also came in with mild shoulder pain, but by diligently working on his upper body mobility the pain has dissipated. Check out some pictures from his training sessions.
Using a dowel to find alignment during an unweighted single leg deadlift.
Good thoracic mobility is a must in a sport like tennis as well as golf, pickle ball, softball and many more sports!
Client Spotlight! Jackie
Nearing the end of her lovely trip to the west coast I received this message, "It has been great out here in California, but I really miss you! I am much stronger than last year. I can feel it in my walking and I have you to thank. I am doing my exercises with my bands, but I look forward to more variety and challenges working with you."